RBI Grade B Exams for Economics students

Proffessional insitute for UGC net(Economics.Management.Commerce).Upsc mains(Economics) And other competitive exams related to Economics.This blog are for students who want to make their career in field of Economics .management and business. Pls feel free to ask any question regarding these subjects in contact information i will glad to inform you. Kindly follow and give your suggestion
1. Cost functions are derived from
a) demand functions, b) production functions, c) supply functions
2. The U shape of the average total cost curve reflects
a) LDMU, b) The Law Of Variable Proportions, c) Consumer’s Surplus
3. The total fixed cost is a : a) horizontal straight line b) vertical c) hyperbola
4. The shape of average fixed cost is
a) horizontal straight line b) vertical c) rectangular hyperbola
5. The shape of TVC and TC are:
a) rectangular hyperbola b) inverse ‘S’ shape c) horizontal straight line
6. The inverse ‘S’ shape of the TVC and TC are due to
a) LDMU b) Law of Variable Proportions(c) MRS
7. The MC curve cuts the AC curve at
a) The maximum point b) The initial Point, c) The minimum Point
8. The minimum point of ATC is at ……………. position of the minimum
point of AVC: a) right b) left c) same
9. If the long run cost curve shifts down wards it is an indication of
a) technological progress b) lower factor prices c) both of these
10.The U shape of the LAC reflects
a) Law of Variable proportions b) Laws of returns to scale c) none of these
11.The long run cost curve in the traditional theory is
a) Envelops curve b) Planning curve c) Both of these
12.In the modern theory of cost, the short run average variable cost is
a) saucer shaped b) U shaped c) none of these
13.The short run average variable cost is saucer shaped because of the
presence of
a) excess capacity b) reserve capacity c) none of these)
14.Price discrimination is an essential feature of
a) Perfect competition b) Oligopoly c) Duopoly d) monopoly
15.Under monopoly the slope of AR curve is:
a) Upward sloping b) downward sloping c) horizontal d) None of these
16.Monopoly market is :
a) Single seller market b) single buyer market c) single buyer and
seller d) None
17.In a monopsony market there is:
a) Single seller b) single buyer c) Two sellers d) two buyers
18.Third degree price discrimination occurs when the monopolist charges
different prices for the same commodity in different
a) Markets b) places c) continents d) countries
19.Price discrimination is possible:
a) Under any market form b) only under
monopoly c) Only under monopolistic
completion d) Only in perfect competition
20.Monopolist maximizes profit at the point where
a) MC = AC b) MC = MR c) AC = AR d) MR = AR
21.At the point of equilibrium of a monopolist MC cuts MR curve
a) From below b) from above c) at point of equality of AC and AR d) None
22.A multiplant monopolist maximizes his profit at the point where:
a) MR = MC1 b) MR = MC2 c) MR1 = MR2 d) MR = MC1= MC2
23.Lerner Index is a measure of:
a) Elasticity of demand b) Monopoly power c) Inequality d) None
24.For a firm with monopoly power
a) Price equals MC b) Price is less than MC c) Price exceeds MC d) None
25.Railways is an example of :
a) Simple monopoly b) differentiated monopoly
c) Natural monopoly d) Monopsony
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