
Showing posts with the label Differentiation

RBI Grade B Exams for Economics students

 RBI GRADE B Exams for Economics students  "Dear Economics students, Are you interested in a career in central banking and economic policy-making? Look no further than the RBI Grade B exam! As an economics student, you already have a solid foundation in the subject matter. With dedicated preparation, you can crack this prestigious exam and join the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) as a Grade B officer. To prepare, focus on: 1. *Microeconomics*: Theory of consumer behavior, production, market structures, and welfare economics. 2. *Macroeconomics*: National income accounting, aggregate demand and supply, inflation, and monetary policy. 3. *International Trade*: Gains from trade, tariffs, exchange rates, and balance of payments. 4. *Economic Growth and Development*: Models, indicators, and strategies. 5. *Indian Economy*: Historical perspective, planning, liberalization, and economic reforms. 6. *Statistics*: Descriptive and inferential statistics, data interpretation, and analysis. 7...

Differentiation Mathematical Economics

Differentiation Mathematical Economics  Formulas: Differentiation is a process of calculating a function that represents the rate of change of one variable with respect to another. Differentiation and derivatives have immense application not only in our day-to-day life but also in higher mathematics. : white; color: #353535; font-family: Merriweather, Merriweather-Fallback, "Times New Roman", "Times, Serif"; margin: 0px 0px 1em; padding: 0px;"> Differentiation Definition : Let’s say y is a function of x and is expressed as \(y=f(x)\). Then, the rate of change of “y” per unit change in “x” is given by \(\frac{dy}{dx} \). Here, \(\frac{dy}{dx} \) is known as  differentiation of y with respect to x . It is also denoted as \({f}'(x)\). Rules Of Differentiation: Differentiation Formulas    There are mainly  7 types of differentiation rules  that are widely used to solve problems relate to differentiation: 353535; font-family: Merriweathe...

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